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rapîde question

Par -Odessa Grimwood- le 28/6/2002 à 12:47:54 (#1724211)

je voudrai juste savoir comment place t'on une image sous son nom dans les post ? (pas la signature) en dessous du nom.


Par Steppenwolf le 28/6/2002 à 12:48:59 (#1724217)

C'est une option dans ton profil

Par Moonheart le 28/6/2002 à 12:51:13 (#1724228)

Tu veux dire dans la colonne de gauche? sous le titre de la personne?

C'est l'avatar du posteur...

Pour changer (ou mettre une image comme celle-la) , c'est simple:
Va dans ton profil, puis dans "Vos options" et cliques sur le bouton "Changer d'avatar".

Voilou, t'as plus qu'a parametrer ca :)

Par -Odessa Grimwood- le 28/6/2002 à 13:09:34 (#1724318)

merci :)

Par Snow le 28/6/2002 à 13:33:12 (#1724414)

aucun rapport avec le topic mais ton avatar moon ca serait pas le boss dans excel saga?

Par RedskY le 28/6/2002 à 13:33:29 (#1724417)

Jolie ton avatar Odessa!

Par Melandrine le 28/6/2002 à 13:48:13 (#1724500)

Mais elle est toute mimi comme ça Odessa ;)

Par Moonheart le 28/6/2002 à 15:19:46 (#1724941)

Provient du message de -Odessa Grimwood-
merci :)

Mais de rien...

Ton avatar -> Zelda? :)

Provient du message de Snow
aucun rapport avec le topic mais ton avatar moon ca serait pas le boss dans excel saga?

Chic un connaisseur :)
Et oui: c'est lui !

Je l'ai choisi parce que mes deux alts que je n'ai jamais eu le temps de jouer se nomment "Excel" et "Hyatt"... Mais en fait c'est mon main que j'aurais du appeller "Hyatt", rapport a son nombre de morts ces temps-ci.

"I hereby permit that episode of Excel Saga to be made as video game adaption"
- Rikudo Koshi

Excel: "HIIIIIIIIIII !!!! Ilparatzo-sama!"

Hyatt -on the end of a breath-: "...zo!"

Ilparatzo: "This world is.... rotten!

Excel! Hyatt!
I just finish to plan your next assignement:
As a part of our plan of world domination, MMORPG devellopers needs to be disciplinated.

Here is an example of the most played MMORPG of the moment: Dark Age of Camelot

This game content is absolutly vile and must be disciplinated: Some classes are permanently spoiled and meprised causing harm and injustice in this virtual world!

Excel! Hyatt!
Your orders are to sneak into the game to find where the animators have disappear in order to bring them back inton the light and forcebily oblige them to look at the Nightshade and Blademaster despair, in order to bring back justice and equity in this world."

Excel -hyper, as always-: "Yes Master! I will crush utterly all Midgard and Hibernia for you, make all dragons like pets and diciplinate the demons of Darkness Fall for you if you ask me!" -make kung-fu movements-

Excel: "Hyatt! Take back our emergency food!"

Menshi -sacred to death and crying from fear-: "Kaï Kaï Kaï!!!!"

Hyatt: "..."

Excel: "Hyatt? Are you here?"

Menshi -always scared to death-: "Kaï?"

Hyatt "..."

Excel: "Ho ho? Hy-a-tt?"

Hyatt -always dead-: "..."

Excel: "Aaahhh nooo!!! Not again! Hyatt you could wait we enter to the RvR zone before die!!! It makes no sense to die without even a stealthed assassin around here!"

Ilparatzo -a bit angry-: "So, you're here again? Aren't my orders clear enough?"

Excel -answering without thinking, as expected-: "In fact, no... what is a MMORPG?"

-Ilparatzo put his hand on the famous "trap rope"-

Excel -panicking-: "Mmmm... No! nothing! I said nothing! I will obey without question! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Please don't put me in the hole!"

Ilparatzo: "In fact my hand is a bit heavy, I wonder if I will success to dont pull it..." -pull the rope-

Excel -staring to fall in the trap-: "Aaaahhhhh I'm falling again! Why that's always happens like that? Did the autor hate me? Or did the fans like that? Is it permitted by the script? Will I reach the bottom before the end of the episode? Does the assistants will show me crushed at the end? Will this episode be censured? Why I ask stupid questions? And why I'm falling again? Did I forgot why because of the too many stupid questions who run in head? Is it long too read? Does Camelot was a real a town? does the elves are nice? does the trolls are strong? does the humans are stupid? or is it only me? Shit! why this happens? MMMmmm... What happens anyway? I forgot... Oh! Yes! I just remember: I'm faaaallinnnggg!!! Hyattttttt!!!"

Hyatt -coming back to life-: "Yes, Excel-sempaï?"

Hyatt -looking around for Excel-: "Sempaï? Where are you?"

Excel: "I'mmm falliinnnnggg!!!!"

Hyatt: "Oh, it sure suit you!"

Excel "I'm fallinnnggg I saiiddd!!! (Damn! The employeess had sure make a bug job since the last episode, this trap is deeper than never!)"

Hyatt -looking in the hole-: "Is it dark?"

Excel -crying-: "It's deeeeppp!!!! I'm going to diiiiiieeeee!!!!!!"

Hyatt: "Keep courage, Excel-sempaï! I will call for the Will of Grand Universe soon you will reach bottom!"

Excel: "I'm going to die aaannyywayyyyy!!!"

Hyatt: "But The Will will bring you back, don't lost hope!"

Excel: "Iz-chan won't commmmeee!!! It's the day she marry with Pedrrooooo!!!"

Pedro: "WHAT?!? It can be, I'm already married!!!!"

Hyatt: "It's sure a problem......... did you reach the bottom?"

Excel: "Nooooooooo it's deeeeeeppppp!!!"

Watanabe Nabeshin -looking in the hole-: "Yes it is"

Hyatt: "Who are you?"

Watanabe Nabeshin: "I'm Nabeshin."

Hyatt: "What you do here?"

Watanabe Nabeshin: "I'm looking in that hole to save a lady in distress who is supposed fall in soon"

Excel: "Itt'ss mmmeeee!!! Save mmeee!!!!"

Hyatt: "I think she already fall in."

Watanabe Nabeshin: "Oh my!!! My glasshour must be broken again... No matter, then... That cannot be helped, I think." - go back, whistling-

Excel: "Heeeyyyyyyyyy youu! Don't abandon meee!!! Make something!!!"

Hyatt: "He juste leave... You're always falling, I presume?"

Excel: "Yesssssss!!!!"

Hyatt: "Are you sure the autor designed a bottom for this hole? *kof* *kof*"

Excel: "I wondeeeeerrrrrr!!!!"

Hyatt: "..."

Excel: "Huh?"

Hyatt -dead-: "..."

Excel: "Nooo Hyatt bring back to life! I need yooouuuu!!!"

Hyatt: "Mmmm?"

Excel: "You scared me again! Don't die when I fall, please!"

Hyatt: "I'm not sure what you talk about?"

Excel: "No maattteersssssss!!! I'm falliinnggg!!"

Hyatt: "Sure!"

Excel: "That not a funny gag!!! The fans won't like it!!!"

Hyatt: "Perhaps the autor has an idea for the end of it?"

Excel: "The autor is dduuummmbbbbbb!!!!!"

Hyatt: "Probably."

Excel: "But where is the exxxiiiittttt????"

Hyatt: "I don't know."

Excel: "I'm pretty sure know there is no bottom in this ho***CRASH!!!!***

Hyatt: "Sempaï?"

Excel: "I found it!!!!"

Hyatt: "Great! I was sure you success to overcome this dangerous situation, you're so great, Sempaï!
Do we go to Camelot, now?"

Excel: "Eerrrr I think we need to wait the end of honeymoon of Iz-chan first... my body is stripped away."

Pedro: "HONEYMOON?!? But! but!!! Oh my god! Please!"

Today experiment:
The plan to reach level 32 quickly............... FAILED.

Par jafa sholva le 28/6/2002 à 15:45:17 (#1725062)

moonjart c'est le boss pour flooder les post il ecrit telement c'est dingue

Par Reyden le 28/6/2002 à 22:10:32 (#1726977)

Oui je crois que ca vient de Zelda, pas sur...
Mais je comprend pas tu demande comment mettre un avatar, tu en a pas deja un? (a moins peut etre que ca est updater...):ange:

Par Moonheart le 30/6/2002 à 13:00:36 (#1733539)

En fait, quand tu mets un avatar, il se met même sur tes anciens posts... donc quand Sora a posé la question, son avatar n'y était pas, puis quand je lui ai répondu, elle en a mis un qui est donc apparu à coté de sa question :)

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