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qql petit trucs interessant

Par Enigm le 10/8/2001 à 1:35:00 (#444747)

1) When will you allow us to move current R1 characters to R2, and vice versa ?

Currently the two dimensions are seperate as the ability to move has not been fully researched by Omni-Tek. (This should be available in the future, more than likely after the Storyline goes into full swing. We want to make sure Rubi-Ka 2 is also populated for good traffic both ways.)

2) When will trade skills be fully implemented and working ?

Trade skills as far as "working" are fully implemented. The only other thing is to make more items for you to make and more skills to use in the trade skills. Also, adding more components for items. This task does take a tremendous amount of time, but you should be seeing new advances in this during just about every major patch.

3) When will backpacks cease randomly arranging themselves upon zoning ?

This is a known issue and being addressed, along with other item / inventory issues. Hopefully soon.

5) Why dont npcs in missions or outdoors cast nanos anymore ? Is this intentional ?

No, this is not intentional and a result of the 12.3 patch. This is being fixed.

6) Why isnt there a global chat channel ? (this has a lot to do with why cities are so crowded, its the only place to global chat)

Cities, by design and definition, are going to be crowded places. There is no "global" chat due to Role Playing reasons and faction reasons. There are *many* other channels at your disposal. Including trade (shopping), private, local, shout, etc. Unless I am not sure of your definition of Global Channel.

7) Can we get an eta on the QL bug ? We are going on a week now with this one.

This is on the priority list. I can not give a ETA, as that can end up disasterous. But, I can say it is very high on our list and should be seen in the near future.

8) When can we expect a fix for the 5 second DLL error crash ?

I may need some clarification on this. By 5 second DLL error, are you referring to an error that causes you to crash out of AO within 5 seconds of start-up?

9) Is it possible to fix the bugged bug reporting tool ? (endless loop of click oks)

The bug reporting tool is not something that is seen very frequently and the bug you are speaking of is seen even less frequently. This does not excuse the fact that it should be addressed, but it does put it lower on the priority list.

10) What are no name items ? Why are they there ? Will they be there for the next four years ?

The no name items, or the blue questionmark items are items that may have a database issue. They are items that are corrupt or have become corrupt (stat change, name change, no name, name missing, etc.) in some way. We have found a lot of these and we are still finding them. We do know they exist and although it seems slow, we are working to find them all.

11) When will all items in the game have graphics ? Im talking about the many items still in game with the blue ? )

These related to the answer in question 10.

12) When will we be able to duplicate and share apartment keys ? (this might be working now, though i cannot figure out how)

This does not currently work. We are working on discussing ways to make the apartment more useful for players. Again, this is a feature we want to make more useful for the player. But, it is not currently a game stopper and not at the top of the priority list.

13) When will GM broadcasts be available anywhere in game, regardless of what zone your in ?

14) and..When will you enable caching of GM broadcasts so that we dont miss anything ?

I will keep both of these together. Both of these are currently being looked into. Generally a GM Broadcast is meant to inform players currently online and would have no bearing if you were not online. Meaning, there is really no need to cache most GM broadcasts. If the GM broadcast relates to the server going down, we will generally post a broadcast many times up until we bring the servers down.

15) In regards to the official comment that the "vast majority of the players are located in the USA....When will you add US time zones to your broadcasts, and patch messages ?

The broadcasts are put in GMT time. This time is considered a world standard. Remember, the U.S.A. alone has 4 different time zones. We have a large European base of players as well, and it is only going to get larger. GMT is a time scale used throughout the world. The way around this may be to have the client read the current time or timezone on your OS and then adjust from there. This would require another bit of coding and would not be considered on the top of the priority list again.

16) Will it ever be possible to remove the hall of mirror effects from mission doors ?

The "hall of mirror" effect is a graphic annoyance right now. This effect will be fixed, but we are concentrating on the "game stoppers" Those that experience it, along with the inability to get through a door are usually experiencing a lag spike.

17) Is it possible to update the mission / vendor windows ? By this i mean :
a) Resizing windows (this goes for inventory and bank too)
b) The ability to control the distance of a mission (for instance..."Show me all the missions in my range available in lush fields..."
c) Shop vendors too "Show me all the assault rifles available in my range.

These are all good suggestions and suggestions we have / are considering. We do plan on improving aspects of the client.

18) Is it possible to have a GM presence in the "Newbie" channel ? Ive rerolled a lot lately, and i find myself spending the majority of my time, filling the role of GM FAQ.

" Wheres the whompa in Rome ?"
" How do i make implants ? "
" Where do i buy nanos ? "

While one could argue that this promotes player interaction, the majority of theses questions, at least IMO, come as a direct result of the manual being far from complete.
Perhaps this was intentional, but sheesh, answering all these peoples questions is not easy. And it gives me a migraine after a few hours :p

First let me say, we *really* appreciate all the players that are willing to answer these questions. And, yes, I will say that it promotes player interaction. This is another area we are working to expand into, and is in our original plan. Currently the GMs and ARK are working as hard as they can on answering petitions and other in-game issues that keep players from playing. Although we think it is very important that newbie players get help to move them along, we also feel that Omni-Employees should help fellow Omni-Employees with their wisdom, Clan members should help new Clan members with their wisdom, and Neutral parties should help neutral parties with their wisdom. By the way, anyone have an Excedrin? I feel a migraine coming on. *evilgrin*

19) When will you get a handle on the crash / timewarp loss of experience problem? This one has been gone for a while, but as of late it has reared its ugly head again.

This question is really hard to answer and not make people cringe. Basically, we will get a handle on this issue as quick as we can. We like these problems even less than you do and want them fixed as soon as possible.

20) This question is all mine.

When will you address the agent class ? Please, please, understand, this class was not made for combat. This class was designed to sneak through missions.

We do admit that we were a little over-reactive on the Concealment issue, but we have adjusted and made the skill more useful than it was after the change. Agents are still the best at sneaking, and still able to skulk past some combat, but not all combat. That is the way it was originally intended. If you could sneak past every enemy without worrying about getting caught, there would be no challenge. There would be no worrying about that guy seeing you. Heck, you may as well just hit autoforward and cruise. What is the challenge in that?

21) Who is the voice of the bronto burger shack ? LOL that guy is a big ham ! :p

The voices in the game were actually done by various Funcom employees, we will just keep you guessing on this one.

22-32) When will Funcom fix the Geforce 2 compatability problem?

You will have to be more specific. I run two computers at home with GeForce 2 cards in them, and I am luckily not running into any problems. What specific problem are you referring to?

I don't know if these are the complete answers you wanted to hear, but I filled in what I could. I hope this works for you guys

Par Enigm le 10/8/2001 à 1:50:00 (#444748)

traduit rapidement, les reponses vides sdont des reponses totalment inutiles (style: veuillez repoformuler votre question):

1)Q: a quand unlien entre rbk 1 et 2
A: au plus tard au debuts de la storyline

2)Q: A quand un fonctionnement complet des trade skills
R: les trade skills marchent mais le choix n'est pas encore tres vaste, il s'aggrendira a chaque patch majeur

3)Q: Quand les sacs arreteront d'arranger l;e matos de facon aleatoire
R: Ils y travaillent

5)Q: prq lesPNJ ne'utilisent plus les formules?
R: bug

6)Q: a quand un chat global?
R: pour des raisons de RP il y en a pas, mais vous pouvez profiter des channel qui sont a votre disposition

7)Q: une date pour le bug des QL?
R: non mais ilys y travaillent dessus. C'est une priorite

8)Q: A quand la correction du crash de DLL apres 5 sec.

9)Q: A quand une correction du Report Bug Tool?
R: ce n'est actuellement pas une ptiorite, mais le fait qu'il ne fonctionne pas thjr correctement (meme si rarement mal) est inexcusable

10-11)Q: qu'est ce que les noname?
R: ce sont des objets qui ont un lien manquant dans la base de donnee, ils sont corrige quand trouvés, donc corrige progressivement

12)Q: quand pourrat on dupliquer nos cle d'appart?
R: actuellement c pas possible. Nous discutons avant tout comment rendre les apparts interessant et utiles.

13-14)Questionsans grand interet

15)Q: etant donne que les Ricains sont la plus grande partie de populationde Rubi-Kam, quand allez vous mettre les heures en fuseau americain? (Remarque ca fait plaisir les voir raler :D )
R: c pas prevu pour l'instant. GMT est un dfuseau international, et puis aux usa il existe 4 fuseaux differents. ET les europeens ne vont pas tarder a rejoindre le jeu (ceux qui l'ont pas encore fait)

16)Q: serait-il possible enlever les couloirs de mirroirs dans les missions
R: c'set un bug, on y travaille

17) Serait-il possible de mofier la taille des fewnetres?
R: bonnee suggestion

18) Questionsans importance, mais parlent d'un nouveau manuel

19)Q: quand allez vous corriger le bug du Time Warp avec perte d'experience?
R: on y travaille, c tres embetant ce probleme

20)Q: les agents sont pas fait pour ce battre (*enigm regarde Glubutz et raya*). Qu'allez vousfaire pour le rendre plus performants en sneaking?
R: Nous avonsagis de facon unpeu extreme mais il faut quand meme accepter un mimum de danger, a l'heure actuelle la solution qui est applique nous parais la meilleure

21) A qui est la voix du Bronto Burger?
R: A un des employe de Funcom, a vous de trouver qui

21)Q: quand Funcom va corriger le bug de compatibilite avecles G Force 2?

Par icho_tolot le 10/8/2001 à 8:55:00 (#444749)

Merci Enigm.

Petite remarque:
La 1 tu es optimiste dans ta traduction:
A mon avis c'est plutot:
Q: Quand pourra t'on passer de Rk1 a Rk2?
R: Très vraisemblablement quand le story line sera bien lancé.

En gros pas tout de suite, tout de suite...

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