Archives des forums MMO/MMORPG > EverQuest > EQ - Forum Technique > probleme proxy
probleme proxy
Par Léo le 26/7/2000 à 12:55:00 (#163016)
Par Haazheel Thorn le 10/8/2000 à 17:22:00 (#163017)
Ma solution pour le proxy... Ben apres avoir trouve un prog qui passe outre le proxy je me suis retrouve bloque au login de EQ et la RIEN A FAIRE...
Bilan installation de WIN98SE et j'utilise le partage de connection, et ca marche PARFAITEMENT .
J'espere que ca t'aidera quand meme
Haazheel Thorn
Par mucos27 le 23/8/2000 à 12:35:00 (#163018)
En gros il faut ouvrir les ports indiquer si-desous de ton proxy
Problem: My network runs Firewall/Proxy software, what "ports" need to be opened by my Network Administrator?
Solution: Let your Network Administrator (or whoever set up the network) know the following information:
Patch Application:
A TCP connection is initiated from the player's PC (arbitrary port>=1024) to, port 7000.
EverQuest client:
UDP datagrams are sent to/from the player's PC (arbitrary port>=1024) from/to port 5999.
UDP datagrams are sent to/from the player's PC (arbitrary port>=1024) from/to one of the everquest servers (arbitrary port>=1024). The EverQuest server ip addresses are on the subnets: 63.65.235.*, 64.37.150.*, 64.37.151.*, 192.215.54.*, 192.215.55.*, 192.215.37.* and 192.215.33.*, 208.236.12.*
Please note that EverQuest opens a random data port from the player's PC everytime EverQuest is run. Thus, the need to have all ports >= 1024 available.
JOL Archives 1.0.1
@ JOL / JeuxOnLine