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bug de la 1.53/1.54 ???

Par OnK le 10/1/2003 à 0:16:43 (#2985488)

voila le contexte hier soir sur Emain on duelait sans se tuer entre 3 mids 1 hib et 1 alb.
puis une hib pouvant rez est arrivée, alors un des kobby a fait un duel a mort avec le celte.

le celte est mort, j'ai recup des rps vu que je l'avais combattu avant

mais j'ai recupéré de l Xp ?????

pour montrer que ce n'etait pas sur Camlann sur le screen il y a les details de mon perso venant de Bro (la scene se passe sur Gorre bien entendu)

screenshot :

Par Leinco le 10/1/2003 à 0:30:34 (#2985568)

Oui xp sur des kills en RvR.

J'en est eu aussi, je pensais que c'été pas ce patch mais le suivant, mais aparement, c'est bien celui la.

Par Nof Samedisthjofr le 10/1/2003 à 0:31:01 (#2985569)

Contacte la FAQ en étant précis et clair, ils sont les plus à même de gérer ce genre d'information :).

Par Alakhnor le 10/1/2003 à 0:35:25 (#2985593)

Ca a l'air d'être un peu le souk dans les release, c'est normalement implementé en 1.55. :doute:

Par Sparrows le 10/1/2003 à 0:46:19 (#2985649)

c'est peut etre du au fait que le denier test sur gorre etais le PvP ...

Par Mysen le 10/1/2003 à 0:50:43 (#2985675)

Rien à voir, Lothian est devenu gorre et l'ancien gorre est devenu Camlann.

Sinon heu rez qui donne des PR, xp en rvr, on sera pas en 1.55 plutôt la ? ;)

Par Sherwenn le 10/1/2003 à 1:00:20 (#2985721)

Par avance nous tenons à vous signaler qu'il subsiste encore plusieurs bugs connus dans la version 1.54 de test au nombre desquels :

la résurrection rapporte des points de Royaume
quelques phrases dans la fenêtre système sont encore en anglais
certains nouveaux PNJs n'ont pas encore leur dialogues traduits
les nouvelles pages d'"Aide" ne sont pas complètes
la fenêtre d'interface dîtes de "self-craft" n'est pas traduite


Par contre pour l'xp ça s'est bizzare et ça a pas été signalé

Par Bustak le 10/1/2003 à 1:02:38 (#2985741)

Here they are, the official patch notes for your viewing enjoyment:

Edited at 10:09 EST - in the spellcrafting instructions, we should have said "accept" instead of "trade."


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.54 Release Notes

Tuesday, November 11, 2002


Welcome to Dark Age of Camelot version 1.54, a major addition to the game. In this version are several complete new game systems - Spellcraft/Alchemy and Dueling - as well as many smaller tweaks and additions that have been requested by the Camelot community - 10 hotbars of 10 keys each, color coding of names, macros in chat text. Additionally, we've made some substantial updates to the frontier outpost RvR system and many updates to siege warfare to make it easier and more advantageous to use.


Spellcraft and Alchemy make their debut in Dark Age of Camelot with this update, which are the two crafting skills that allow player crafters to imbue weapons and armor with magical properties. This is an extensive system that has many options and associated skills. For full documentation of the Spellcraft and Alchemy, go to the Camelot Herald at You'll find all the information you need to get started there.

General Overview of Spellcraft/Alchemy

Spellcraft and Alchemy work exactly like the other tradeskills as far as their recipes, and the objects they create go. Once you have the object, you "combine" them, via the trade window to an object.

For example, Player A takes their Sword they want to have strength added to it to a Spellcrafter. They place it in a trade window with the Spellcrafter. The Spellcrafter places a strength Gem in the sword's gem socket and clicks the "combine" button. Satisfied (both players will get text information on the combine, how many points it took, etc), Player A places some money in the trade window and hits accept. The Spellcrafter then hits accept, the combine happens. Viola! Player A has a sword with a strength bonus, and the Spellcrafter has the satisfaction of making another magic item.

The "forge" object for Spellcraft and Alchemy is the new Alchemy table that you will see placed in various parts of the home cities. You will find the merchants needed for these two crafts close by.

The tools that you will need for various recipes are the Spellcraft Kit, Alchemy Kit, and Mortar and Pestle. The kits are always needed for their specific trade, the Mortar and Pestle is needed for making any of the poisons.

You may need to scroll sideways in the Spellcraft/Alchemy Merchants to find the items that you need (using the new multiple store indexes per merchant feature).

Names of Guild Masters:


Spellcraft Guild Master: Clayton Gage
Alchemy Guild Master: Adelaide Dinsmore


Spellcraft Guild Master: Hradi Thorleif
Alchemy Guild Master: Armod Dag


Spellcraft Guild Master: Shannen
Alchemy Guild Master: Aslander

Trade Skill Reset

In order to "wipe" your trade skills so that your character can learn Spellcraft/Alchemy if they already belong to another trade Order, we've put in a special quest in each Realm that will guide your character through the process. Please note that you can only go on this quest ONCE, and you can only do it to switch from whatever tradeskill you currently know to Spellcraft or Alchemy - NOT to any other tradeskill.

We've placed an NPC in each of the capital cities of each realm in the general vicinity of the name registrar. Each of these NPC’s will instruct you as to the process of changing your order. Please note that once you have established yourself within the new order, you cannot change back. All of these changes are final!

Change Trade Order NPCs:

Albion – Edie Wharton
Hibernia – Fabrice
Midgard – Gudmund


We've made a few changes to make taking and holding frontier keeps much more attractive. The changes are designed to make it slightly easier to defend keeps, as well as give you more reason to control them. We will be making more enhancements to this system over time.

- Now, when a guild claims an outpost, all guards from that outpost raise one level. Additionally, as the keep is upgraded - one level is added to every guard for every upgrade level on the keep. Note that the named guards at the relic keeps are "from" these outposts and enjoy the same upgrades.

- Heal spells now receive a bonus from the power relic - finally healing classes will benefit by their Realm controlling power relics.

- Now, when the outer door of a keep is destroyed, all scouts from the outpost still alive will converge on the keep door to attempt repel all attackers.

- Players now receive an exp bonus when fighting within 16,000 units of a keep controlled by your realm or your guild. You get 20% bonus if your guild owns the keep or a 10% bonus if your realm owns the keep.

Etais-tu non loin d'un de nos forts? :confus:

Par Cian l'Enthy le 10/1/2003 à 1:02:38 (#2985742)

J'ai eu la même chose. J'ai duelé Ptywen (pas à mort), qui a ensuite duel une des ses compatriotes... J'ai reçu 43M xp (miam)... J'ai remonté ce bug.

Par Cian l'Enthy le 10/1/2003 à 1:03:45 (#2985747)

Provient du message de Bustak

- Players now receive an exp bonus when fighting within 16,000 units of a keep controlled by your realm or your guild. You get 20% bonus if your guild owns the keep or a 10% bonus if your realm owns the keep.

Etais-tu non loin d'un de nos forts? :confus:

ça ne concerne qu'uniquement les mobs. :)

Par Alakhnor le 10/1/2003 à 9:59:44 (#2987125)

Dark Age of Camelot
Camelot 1.55 Test Release Notes
Monday, November 25, 2002


- We have made it so you can gain experience points for engaging in RvR and killing, or helping to kill, enemies. You will not lose experience when you die, but when you kill an enemy, you will now be awarded "normal" (i.e. as if the enemy was a monster, based on level) experience for the kill. Thus if the player is blue to you, you will be given normal "blue" monster experience for the kill. Please note that there is a known bug currently in this system where under some circumstances if you are grouped you won't get experience for a group-member's kill. We are looking at this problem right now and will fix it as soon as we can.

Par Valgrel le 10/1/2003 à 10:03:50 (#2987151)

Oui j'ai eu la même chose amg, 32M xp pour un MA 50 .

Par Jolinar DeMalkshur le 10/1/2003 à 10:07:54 (#2987177)

g remarker ca aussi g tuer un celt en duel sans faire expret et il ma rapporter de l'xp mais parcontre g tester aussi une rez (un mago tuer par un luri) et aucun rp

Par Cian l'Enthy le 10/1/2003 à 10:20:02 (#2987238)

Le pb des RPs pour les rezzs a été résolu, reste celui de l'xp visiblement... (et encore perçu que dans certains cas)

Par Jolinar DeMalkshur le 10/1/2003 à 10:22:13 (#2987250)

Provient du message de Cian l'Enthy
Le pb des RPs pour les rezzs a été résolu, reste celui de l'xp visiblement... (et encore perçu que dans certains cas)

c bien ce ke je me disais

Par Mafaute le 10/1/2003 à 10:32:37 (#2987292)

J'ai eu à peu près la meme chose à béryl, en tuant 2 gardes du fort, j'ai recu 67 pieces d'argent de chacun...par contre aucun XP!
Bug ou pas bug (à savoir : de l'argent en tuant des gardes à béryl)?

Par DrEf le 10/1/2003 à 10:40:12 (#2987320)

Comment fera-t-on, en 1.55, pr dire ding à tous les ennemis ?

Par Cian l'Enthy le 10/1/2003 à 10:42:31 (#2987334)

tu feras /taunt. :p

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