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A propos des Attaques d'opportunité

Par Kemay le 4/9/2002 à 18:24:11 (#2096193)

Suite à la discussion du fil, Pour qu'un perso parle quand on le frappe je continue la discussion sur les attaques d'opportunité dans ce nouveau fil.

Le problème des attaques d'opportunité est qu'elles sont traitées indépendamment des combats eux-mêmes. C'est à dire que si une créature se trouve dans les conditions de placer une attaque d'opportunité sur une créature hostile, il n'y a à priori aucun moyen de l'en empêcher. Ce qui est encore plus embêtant c'est que si une créature place une attaque d'opportunité, elle continuera à attaquer au corps à corps, jusqu'à ce qu'elle meurt, que sa cible meurt, ou qu'un ClearAllActions() soit appellé.

Lance Boetelle a peut-être trouvé une solution, je lui ai écrit pour plus de précisions et attends sa réponse. Voilà ce qu'elle dit pour l'instant:

Hi again,

I have tried a couple more tests and found edited "Standard" monsters/creatures AoO somehow work differently to "Custom" NPC's using the "Other" template. Basically, the NPC made by using the custom "Other" template does not have AoO automatically added with the same the AI settings as the "Standard" based made creatures. In other words, I might be able to bypass all AoO by making all monsters/npcs using the "Custom-Other" template that makes use of the creature wizard.

I will try making a monster using the "Custom-Other" template next and see how that reacts. If it works according to the pattern, it would mean I could recreate my "custom monster" using the wizard method rather than edit a copy based on a "standard monster" blueprint - and it should then not include the AoO.

If this is the case, then the AoO scripting could be bypassed by making all creatures this way. :)

I mention this so that it might help Bioware track down the error in their AoO scripting.

It does not, however, help explain the multiattacks problem. Any further info on that?

Lance Botelle.

Bard of Althea
Valiant Vanguard for Variable Velocity
ainsi que:Hi,

I just discovered something:-

I can avoid AoO with my latest way of implementing the monsters (through the creature wizard), but you have to wait until six seconds has passed before moving away.

[EDIT:] Now I have found different creatures react in different ways to AoO, and so I will give up trying to find out what triggers AoO.

Further testing could not reproduce problem. :(

This is the only real question for AoO now:-

Why do the creatures (for whatever reason for having an AoO) do more than one attack?

The appear to have their AoO on top of their normal attack - instead of just an AoO.

And of course, how are multiple attacks handled? The three attacks of my custom monsters are not "illustrated", but the text below does show two attacks & one of those attacks looks as though it is two of the "potential" attacks combined as assuming one hit or one miss rather than a chance of each at half the damage.

Lance Botelle.

Bard of Althea
Valiant Vanguard for Variable Velocity

Par LeProctophantasmiste le 5/9/2002 à 18:04:28 (#2102787)

"I can avoid AoO with my latest way of implementing the monsters (through the creature wizard), but you have to wait until six seconds has passed before moving away. "

Ca a l'air franchement bizare cette histoire. Mais enfin si ça permet de règler le problème...

Ca confirmerait en tout cas qu'il y a quelquechose de pas clair dans la façon dont les AoO marchent.

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