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skill lugian

Par noar le 30/8/2002 à 14:02:13 (#2060772)

ca a lair bien :D
A noté que le lugian peut invoquer des élémentaux et tout de suite je suis content :)

A list of all the Lugian skills, and what they do (or would do if they worked )

(also attached)

uw = use when
me = more effective
r = requires
mn = must not have
ua = must use after
number indicates lowest level skill can be trained

Lugian Melee

1 Crumble - uw-vulnerable.
2 Smite - A melee attack. uw-vulnerable
5 Unbalance - A debilitating melee attack.
5 Life Unbound - Increases the target's maximum health.
10 Sneer - A melee attack that taunts the monster to attack the user. r-Unbalance
10 Crush - A powerful melee attack that does a small amount of extra damage regardless of armor. me-Lure. r-Unbalance
10 Burgeoning Will - Increases the target's maximum vigor. r-Life Unbound
15 Ignore - A melee attack that attempts to get the monster to stop attack the user in favor of someone else. r-sneer
15 Lure - Lowers the natural armor level of both the user and the target. r-Sneer
15 Double Strike - A double-strike melee attack. r-Crush
15 Wellspring - A self-targeted vigor heal. r-Burgeoning Will
15 Quicken Pulse - Improves the user's health regeneration. r-Burgeoning Will
20 Battle Cry - A ranged attack. r-Lure
20 Shield Bash - A shield attack that stuns the target. me-Lure. r-Double Strike
20 Neurotoxin - A disease-casuing melee attack. me-Unbalance. r-Double Strike. r-Wellspring
20 Peridoic Recovery - A self-targeted skill that replenishes health over time. r-QUicken Pulse
25 Obliterate - A powerful melee attack that knocks the target backwards. me-Shield Bash. r-Shield Bash
25 Deep Wound - A bloodletting melee attack. me-Feint. r-Neurotoxin. r-Periodic Recovery
25 Surge Step - A short, self-targetted run speed increase. r-Periodic Recovery
30 Reap Essence - A melee attack that drains the target's health and vigor. me-Neurotoxin (vigor). me-Deep Wound (health). r-Deep Wound

Lugian Berserker

1 Berserker Adept - Increases the chance to hit with/defend against Berserker attacks.
15 Beserk - A self-targeted skill that increases the user's base damage, but also decreases his or her natural armor. mn-Bowl Over. mn-Nurture. mn-Tremor. mn-Small Turret Casing. mn- Winter's Chill
20 Circle of Pain - An area-of-effect melee attack. r-Berserk
20 Force March - A self-targeted skill that slightly increases the user's run speed for a long period of time. r-Beserk
25 Wheel of Pain - A double-strike, area-of-effect melee attack. ua-Circle of Pain. r-Circle of Pain
25 Flurry - A triple-strike melee attack. r-Forced March
30 Cascade - A four-hit melee attack. ua-Flurry. r-Flurry
30 Fury's Focus - A self-targeted skill that increases the user's attack speed. r-Flurry
35 Storm of Pain - A triple-strike, area-of-effect melee attack. ua-Wheel of Pain. r-Wheel of Pain. r-Flurry
35 Deluge - A five-hit melee attack. ua-Cascade. r-Cascade
35 Overwhelm - A melee attack that ignores shields and decreases the target's melee defence. ua-Fury's Focus. r-Fury's Focus
40 Avalance - A six-hit melee attack. ua-Deluge. r-Deluge
40 Disruption - A five-hit melee attack that ignores shields. ua-Overwhelm. r-Overwhelm. r-Deluge
40 Expel - A close-range attack that knocks the target away from the user. me-Overwhelm. r-Overwhelm
45 Vortex of Pain - A quadruple, area-of-effect, melee attack. ua-Storm of Pain. r-Storm of Pain. r-Deluge
45 Dissolution - A six-hit melee attack that ignores shields. ua-Overwhelm. r-Avalance. r-Disruption
45 Triumphant Shout - A ranged attack. me-Overwhelm. r-Disruption

Lugian Juggernaut

1 Juggernaut Adept - Increases the chance to hit with/defend against Juggernaut attacks.
15 Tremor - A short-range, area-of-effect melee attack. mn-Bowl Over. mn-Nurture. mn-Small Turret Casing. mn-Winter's Chill. mn-Berserk
20 Maim - A melee attack that lowers the target's attack skills. r-Tremor
20 harden Skin - A self-targeted skill that increases the user's natural armor level. r-Tremor
25 Challenge - A melee attack that aggressively taunts the monster to attack the user. r-Maim
25 Dismember - A melee attack that has a change to remove an additional percentage of the the taget's health. r-Maim
25 Reckless Abandon - A powerful melee attack that reduces the user's melee defense for a short period. r-Harden Skin
25 Brimming Heart - A self-targeted skill that increases the user's maximum health. r-Harden Skin
30 Shatter - A powerful melee attack that knocks the target back, away from the user. r-Challenge
30 Tectonic Shift - A medium-range, area-of-effect melee attack. ua-Tremor. r-Reckless Abandon
30 Power Surge - A self-targeted skill that increases the user's base damage. r-Brimming Heart
30 Blinding Serum - A poison-based melee attack. me-Maim. r-Dismember. r-Shatter (level 30?)
30 Disembowel - A powerful melee attack that has a chance to remove and additional percentage of the target's health. ua-Dismember. r-Dismember. r-Reckless Abandon
30 Cataclysm - A long-range, area-of-effect melee attack. ua-Tectonic Shift. r-Power SUrge. r-Techtonic Shift
40 Cripple - A numbing melee attack. me-Blinding Serum. r-Blinding Serum
40 Decapitate - A very powerful melee attack that has a chance to remove an additional percentage of the target's health. ua-Disembowel. r-Disembowel

Lugian Missile

1 Revenge - uw-vulnerable. -raise -untrain
2 Windup - A close-range attack. uw-vulnerable. r-Revenge
5 Rout - A projectile attack that knocks the target backwards. r-Windup
5 Cleave - A bloodletting melee attack. r-Windup
10 Excitation - Increases the user's attack speed. r-Rout
10 Cross Attack - A double-strike melee attack. r-Cleave
10 Parry - A melee attack that increases the user's defence against melee attacks. r-Cleave
15 Double Throw - A double-projectile attack. r-Excitation
15 Subjugate - A projectile attack that decreases the natural armor of the target. r-Rout
15 Center Self - Improves the user's vigor regeneration. r-Parry
20 Sapping Will - A projectile attack that drains the target's vigor and gives some back to the the user. r-Subjugate
20 Cut Tendon - A numbing projectile attack. r-Subjugate
20 Harry - A triple-strike melee attack. ua-Cross Attack. r-Cross Attack
25 Sapping Life - A projectile attack that drains the target's health and gives some back to the user. r-Sapping Will
25 Triangle Wound - A bloodletting projectile attack. r-Cut Tendon
25 Dust Devil - A melee area-of-effect attack. r-Harry
25 Imminent Suffering - A bloodletting melee attack. me-Parry. r-Center Self. r-Harry

Lugian Raider

1 Raider Adept.
15 Bowl Over - A slow, rolling projectile attack. mn-Stoicism. mn-Nurture. mn-Tremor. mn-Small Turret Casing. mn-Winter's Chill. mn-Berserk
20 Ringing Ears - A stunning projectile. r-Bowl Over
20 Chorizite Dust - Increases the target player's magic defense. r-Bowl Over
25 Lava Flow - A fire-based projectile. r-Ringing Ears
25 Shattered Soul - A projectile attack that has a chance to remove a percentage of the target's vigor. r-Ringing Ears
25 Sidearm - A projectile attack that tries to get the monster to stop attacking the user in the favor of someone else. r-Chorizite Dust
30 Snowball - A cold-based projectile. r-Lava Flow
30 Slow Pursuit - A slow-moving projectile that has an increased chance to hit. r-Shattered Soul
35 Frost Heave - A cold-based, area-of-effect projectile. r-Snowball
35 Magma Throw - A fire-based, area-of-effect projectile. r-Lava Flow
35 Underground Assault - A ranged attack. r-Slow Pursuit
35 Mudball - A projectile attack that stops the target's movement. r-Sidearm. r-Slow Pursuit
40 Localized Destruction - a user-centered, area-of-effect attack. r-Underground Attack
45 Fulminating Throw - An area-of-effect projectile that knocks the targer away from the blast. r-Localized Destruction. r-Magma Throw

Lugian Tactician

1 Tactician Adept
15 Small Turret Casing - Creates a turret casing, which can be outfitted with a variety of add-ons. This turret persists after the user departs. This skill has a very long reset time. mn-Bowl Over. mn-Stoicism. mn-Nurture. mn-Tremor. mn-Winter's Chill. mn-Berserk
20 Single Barrel - Gives a single barrel to the target turret, allowing it to fire. r-Small Turret Casing
20 Create Barrier - Creates a temporary barrier in front of the user. r-Small Turret Casing
25 Grapeshot - Changes the target turret's ammunition to Grapeshot, which fires weak, but very fast projectiles. r-Single Barrel
25 Repair - Repairs the target turrent, restoring lost health. r-Single Barrel
25 Wall of Ice - Creates a temporary wall of ice that attacks nearby enemies with cold-based attacks. r-Create Barrier
30 Armor-Piercing Ammo - Changes the target turret's ammunition to Armor-Piercing, which does a small amount of additional damage regardless of armor. r-Grapeshot
30 Large Turret Casing - Creates a powerful turret casing, which can be outfitted with a variety of add-ons. This turret will persist after the user departs. This skill has a very long reset time. r-Create Barrier. r-Repair
30 Slough Field - Creates a temporary filed of slough that uses poison-based attacks on enemies that come too close. r-Wall of Ice
35 Twin Barrels - Gives two barrels to the target turret, allowing to fire two shots at a time. r-Grapeshot
35 Rapid Fire - Modifies the target turret to have faster attack speed. r-Repair
35 Self Destruct Sequence - Sets the target turret to a self-destruct sequence. Shortly after, the turret will explode, causing a powerful area-of-effect blast. r-Large Turret Casing
35 Fiery Obstruction - Creates a temporary wall of fire, which attacks nearby enemies with fire based attack. r-Slough Field
40 Bombard - Changes the target turret's ammunition to Bombard, which does an area-of-effect attack, throwing targets away from the point of impact. r-Twin Barrels. r-Self Destruct Sequence

Lugian Magic

1 Burst - uw-vulnerable.
2 Pain Touch - A close-range attack. uw-vulnerable. r-Burst
5 Lifestone Recall - Returns the user to his or her last used lifestone. (seperate tree)
5 Blistered Skin - A fire-based attack. r-Pain Touch
5 Comfort - A targeted heal. r-Pain Touch
10 Lifestone Summon - Summons a portal to the user's last used lifestone. r-Lifestone Recall
10 Stunning Blow - A stun attack. r-Blistered Skin
10 Aggravated Energy - An energy-based projectile attack that drains the target's vigor. r-Blistered Skin
10 Give Life - Transfers health from the user to the target. r-Comfort
10 Earth Skin - Increases the user's natural armor. r-Comfort
15 Frostbite - A cold-based attack. r-Stunning Blow
15 Weaken Resolve - An attack that lowers the maximum health of the target. r-Give Life
15 Life Cycle - A self-targeted skill that returns health over time. r-Give Life
15 Internalize Suffering - A self-targeted skill that redirects incoming damage from health to vigor. If a single blow would kill the user, this will not prevent it. r-Earth Skin
20 Forked Bolt - A double-projectile attack. r-Weaken Resolve
20 Wound Twister - Increases the damage of the target item. r-Life Cycle. r-Weaken Resolve
20 Wind's Blessing - An area effect that increases the run speed of the user's fellows. r-Internalize Suffering
25 Energy Vortex - A user-centered, debilitating area-of-effect attack. r-Forked Bolt
25 Detonate - A powerful targeted attack. r-Forked Bolt
30 Earthquake - A user-centered area-of-effect attack. r-Energy Vortex

Lugian Elementalist

1 Elementalist Adept
15 Winter's Chill - A cold-based ranged attack. mn-Bowl Over. mn-Stoicism. mn-Nurture. mn-Tremor. mn-Small Turret Casing. mn-Berserk
20 Energy Blast - An energy-based ranged attack. r-Winter's Chill
20 Sand Slave - Summons a Sand Golem to fight alongside the user. The golem casts healing spells on itself. r-Winter's Chill
25 Thunder Storm - Summons a thunderstorm that rains lightning on enemies. r-Energy Blast
25 Elemental Reconstruction - a pet-targeted heal. r-Sand Slave
30 Volcanic Rift - Summons a volcano that rains fire attacks upon enemies. r-Energy Blast
30 Eruption - A ranged area-of-effect attack. r-Volcanic Rift
30 Ambient Energy - Surrounds the user in an energy shield that occasionally causes attackers to lose a portion of their vigor. r-Thunder Storm
30 Sand Minion - Summons a Sand Golem to fight alongside the user. The golem casts harmful spells on its enemies. r-Sand Slave
30 Guardian Spirit - Summons an elemental spirit to heal and cast beneficial spells on the user. r-Elemental Reconstruction
35 Incendiary Cloud - Summons a cloud of fire that uses fire-based attacks against nearby enemies. r-Eruption
35 Hurricane - Summons a hurricane that knocks back opponents. r-Ambient Energy. r-Sand Minion
35 Sand Fiend - Summons a powerful Sand Golem to fight alongside the user. The golem cast benefical spells on itself. r-Sand Minion

Lugian Sage

1 Sage Adept
15 Nurture - Heals the target. mn-Bowl Over. mn-Stoicism. mn-Tremor. mn-Small Turret Casing. mn-Winter's Chill. mn-Berserk
20 Restore Will - Restores a portion of the target's vigor. r-Nurture
20 Fortify - Increases the natural armor of the target. r-Nurture
25 Bolster Life - A self-targeted heal skill that heals the user's fellows. r-Restore Will
25 Intermittent Aid - Casts a heal over time effect on the target. r-Restore Will
25 Convulsions - A disease-casuing ranged attack. r-Fortify
25 Fester - A ranged skill that lowers the health regeneration rate of the target. r-Fortify
30 Bolster Conviction - A self-targeted skill that increases the maximum health of the user's fellows. r-Bolster Life
30 Bolster Will - A self-targeted skill that restores the vigor of the user's fellows. r-Bolster Life
35 Recurrent Ministrations - Casts a heal over time effect on the user's fellows. r-Bolster Conviction
35 Personal Savior - A powerful heal. r-Bolster Will
35 Hypnosis - Mesemerizes the target creature, putting it to sleep until attacked or the effect expires. r-Convulsions
35 Heartrend - A ranged attack. r-Fester
40 Saving Graces - A powerful heal that affects the user's fellows. r-Personal Savior. r-Recurrent Ministrations
40 Ease Memories - A player-targeted skill that lowers the vitae [penalty?] of the target. r-Hypnosis. r-Personal Savior

Par durnik le 30/8/2002 à 14:03:23 (#2060785)

Apparement les elementaux des lulus sont buggés.

Par noar le 30/8/2002 à 14:04:41 (#2060792)

apparemment tous les pets de toutes les races ont des "soucis" menfin ca donne un bon apercu de ce que les developpeurs ont en tete =]

Par noar le 30/8/2002 à 14:11:41 (#2060846)

a noté (je fais pas de pub mais cest un renseignement utile) que le skill tree des human est sur le site de l'alliance en version "sympa a regarder pas comme ce texte indechiffrable"

Par durnik le 30/8/2002 à 14:23:54 (#2060964)

T'aurais pu mettre l'adresse du site

PS: je fais pas de pub non plus mais c'est plus pratique ;)

Par noar le 30/8/2002 à 14:28:23 (#2061003)

comment??? y en a qui connaissent pas l'adresse par coeur? :confus: :D

Par Ilkactus Alstar le 30/8/2002 à 14:30:31 (#2061019)

A l'époque quand Jeux Online DAOC avais po traduis la liste des sort je m'y suis mis et ct tres dure a traduire et Puis jen etait a la moitié quand ils ont sortis les nom francais :'(

Par Ilkactus Alstar le 30/8/2002 à 14:44:18 (#2061108)

OKi trés bon tableau explicatif...
Seulement Je me pose une question. Sa dis "Cette skill bloquera toute les autres"? Cela veux-til dire que si je suis Sorcier je pas faire marche arriere et revenir enchanteur ou si je choisi enchanteur je peux monter mes points que dedans je pourrai pas en mettre dans melee ou c'est que Je choisi une specialisation par arbre melee, range et magic ?
Merci de me deembrouiller de tout sa :)

UNe autre chose, si je me trompe pas, il est utile de se spécialisé qu'au niveau 15 car avant ya aucun skill.
Si je choisie Berserk par exemple, j'aurai plus de pvs ?

Par durnik le 30/8/2002 à 15:16:28 (#2061373)

SI tu prends un spécialisation (elementalist chez les lulu mages) tu bloques l'autre spé (enchanteur je croix).

Tu peux de dé-spécialisé. Je connais quelqu'un qui est passé de elementalists (les elementales étant buggés) à enchanteur. Je peux répondre sur ca.

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